
Circular Economy and Development

Submitted by pmoraes on Wed, 12/30/2020 - 17:42
The Sustainable Development Goals are a blueprint for achieving a better and more sustainable future for all, addressing the global challenges they face, including those related to poverty, education, economic decline and interdependence of development goals. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all UN member states In 2015, a joint plan for peace and prosperity for people and the planet as a whole, now and in the future.

Circular Economy in Qatar: Case Study of Used Tires

Submitted by pmoraes on Wed, 12/30/2020 - 17:39
Cars use wheels made of rubber (tires) to soften the transportation movement’s sensation on the passenger of any car. Tires normally come with every car that we purchase, and we use the tires until they wear out in three or four years. Then we replace the worn out tires with new ones for driving safety considerations (such as safe stopping distance as well as directional stability). When we buy the new tires, the old ones are taken by the workshop and sent to the local landfill as waste product.

Financial Development and Ecological Footprint in OIC Countries Islamic Perspectives and Empirical Evidence

Submitted by pmoraes on Wed, 12/30/2020 - 17:37
The rising importance of financial development in affecting environmental quality has attained the attention of various researchers in the recent decades. In particular, financial sector can play an important role in contributing to dominant ‘linear economy paradigm’ at the cost of quality of environment.

A Consumer Perspective of the Circular Economy: An Empirical Investigation through Structural Equation Modelling

Submitted by pmoraes on Wed, 12/30/2020 - 17:35
The growing concerns about environmental decimation have given rise to a new approach called “The Circular Economy”, with the focus on introducing innovative and new methods of responsible production, consumption, and disposal. This is also aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG), particularly goal number twelfth where the focus is on responsible production and consumption.

The Concepts, Challenges and Opportunities of Circular Economy

Submitted by pmoraes on Wed, 12/30/2020 - 17:32
The world is exposed to many pressures and crises at different levels, including the political and the economic levels which are associated with the welfare of the human being, social stability and environmental conservation.  The economic factor is the primary basis for the stability of countries and development of their societies. Oil prices for instance and other highly volatile and depletable natural commodities which are the cornerstone of production and development and the main source of state’s expenditure.

Educational Designs, Innovation and Circular Economy in the Muslim World

Submitted by pmoraes on Wed, 12/30/2020 - 17:30
This study will share educational designs related to embedding circular economy concept in learning, teaching and research. The study will highlight experiences of College of Islamic Studies in promoting maker movement which has yielded various innovative experiences of ideation and business modeling. The experience of CIS illustrates the important of interdisciplinary nature of designing educational models that cater to the needs of the

ESG Analysis, Corporate Governance and Shariah Screening: Mutual Learnings for a Better Investment Climate

Submitted by pmoraes on Wed, 12/30/2020 - 17:27
Islamic wealth managers make investments after filtering investment opportunities using Shariah screening methodology. The first ever shariah screening process was developed by Dow Jones in 1999. Even after 20 years, the rules for shariah screening remains almost the same. All the rules are designed to minimise involvement of Islamic wealth managers into activities which are prohibited in

Solving the Problem of Water and Sanitation in Nigeria through the use of Blended Finance

Submitted by pmoraes on Wed, 12/30/2020 - 12:06
Rising shortage of water, sanitation, and basic hygiene facilities pose a threat to the development of Nigeria and its people. A large segment of the Nigerian population in both the urban and rural communities lack access to improved water and sanitation facilities. Open defecation is widespread in many parts of the country. These problems have had resultant social impacts in the form of out-of-school children, reduced productivity, cholera and other water-borne diseases outbreak.

Role of Knowledge in the Transition to Circular Economy: Sustainability and Sharia Perspectives

Submitted by pmoraes on Sun, 12/27/2020 - 22:45
Pursuing sustainability and converging to Circular Economy (CE) are fully synchronized with Sharia principles. However, the transition to CE is a difficult and lengthy process. It requires a fundamental change in the behavior of all relevant stakeholders, particularly consumers and producers.

Social Responsibility of Islamic Banks via Circular Economy Projects

Submitted by pmoraes on Sun, 12/27/2020 - 22:41
This study sheds light on the definition of circular economy and the societal responsibility of Islamic banks in enhancing and implementing Circular economy programs through adopting actions which are in line with the Islamic law or driven by incentives of achieving rewards or quitting vilified business.