The Concepts, Challenges and Opportunities of Circular Economy

Submitted by pmoraes on Wed, 12/30/2020 - 17:32
The world is exposed to many pressures and crises at different levels, including the political and the economic levels which are associated with the welfare of the human being, social stability and environmental conservation.  The economic factor is the primary basis for the stability of countries and development of their societies. Oil prices for instance and other highly volatile and depletable natural commodities which are the cornerstone of production and development and the main source of state’s expenditure. Not to mention its association to major industrial use nationally and internationally. Due to the aforementioned factors, it is imperative for the economic policies that are reinforced by national visions of countries targeting sustainable development to find environmentally friendly alternatives. our planet is exposed to pollution, climatic crises and other defects of major industries carried out by industrialized countries that led to pollution and the destruction of nature. For this reason, leaders at the global level are seeking to convene a climate conference to discuss and find alternatives to save the planet from pollution and destruction. In addition, the culture of consumption, which is one of the main principles that needs to be changed, starting with families, schools and education at different levels. The culture of waste disposal is important to pay attention to and commit through shifting towards a circular economy and a recycling trend. As well as developing new healthier production approaches which will enhance the shift towards circular economy.
The concept of the circular economy is in line with the mandate of international organizations and private associations concerned with the environment and its components. The concept of circular economy is beginning to emerge, which indicates achieving growth and sustainable development without disrupting the ecosystem. Taking into account the Maqasid of Sharia which calls for the preservation of religion, soul, intellect, lineage and wealth, which are considered to be comprehensive principles of sustainable development, the shift towards a circular economy has become a priority for countries and drawing national strategies and visions for the coming years is vital to the contribution of achieving sustainable development.
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