Circular Economy and Development

Submitted by pmoraes on Wed, 12/30/2020 - 17:42
The Sustainable Development Goals are a blueprint for achieving a better and more sustainable future for all, addressing the global challenges they face, including those related to poverty, education, economic decline and interdependence of development goals. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all UN member states In 2015, a joint plan for peace and prosperity for people and the planet as a whole, now and in the future.
At its core, the SDGs are an urgent call for action by all countries -developed and developing- in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivation must go hand in hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and stimulate economic growth - all while addressing climate change and working to conserve our oceans and forests.
The sustainable development goals depend on decades of work by countries and the United Nations, including the Department of Economic and Social Affairs. The concept of sustainable development came as an alternative and expanded concept to previous development concepts, where the essence of this concept is how to achieve economic development and social welfare with the least amount of natural resources consumed and minimal pollution and environmental damage (Wadfal 2016).
The State of Qatar has been concerned with sustainable development since its independence in 1971, where the focus has been the three dimensions of sustainability, namely: social, economic and environmental development. The state has established over the decades many governmental institutions and agencies targeting sustainable development, such as the Supreme Council for Planning, the General Secretariat for Development Planning, and the Ministry of Development Planning and Statistics. In 2008, Qatar government launched Qatar Vision 2030, which is based on four pillars: human development, Social development, economic development, and environmental development. This vision seeks to improve all aspects of life in Qatar (Voluntary National Review 2017).
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