Solving the Problem of Water and Sanitation in Nigeria through the use of Blended Finance

Submitted by pmoraes on Wed, 12/30/2020 - 12:06
Rising shortage of water, sanitation, and basic hygiene facilities pose a threat to the development of Nigeria and its people. A large segment of the Nigerian population in both the urban and rural communities lack access to improved water and sanitation facilities. Open defecation is widespread in many parts of the country. These problems have had resultant social impacts in the form of out-of-school children, reduced productivity, cholera and other water-borne diseases outbreak. The government of Nigeria is committed to achieving access to water and sanitation for all by the year 2030 in line with the SDG initiative and the National Water Sector Road Map of 2010. However, a reduction in government revenues occasioned by falling oil prices and competition by other critical infrastructural needs has created a huge funding gap in the water and sanitation sector. The purpose of this research is to engineer a blended Islamic finance structure that can help in bridging the funding gap to achieve the sustainable development goals, national aspirations and the higher objectives of shariah.
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