Circular Economy in Qatar: Case Study of Used Tires

Submitted by pmoraes on Wed, 12/30/2020 - 17:39
Cars use wheels made of rubber (tires) to soften the transportation movement’s sensation on the passenger of any car. Tires normally come with every car that we purchase, and we use the tires until they wear out in three or four years. Then we replace the worn out tires with new ones for driving safety considerations (such as safe stopping distance as well as directional stability). When we buy the new tires, the old ones are taken by the workshop and sent to the local landfill as waste product. Landfills are normally remote areas where it store stacks of the tires in piles. Some of the landfill are segregated in that they only store tires, and other landfills can store tires in one side of the landfill, and other domestic and municipal waste in the other sides of the landfill.
In this research paper, I will attempt to answer the question of what can be done with the used tires in an economically sustainable and environment-friendly manner. The methodology would look at the life cycle of the tire and attempt to put the different products contained within the used tires, back into the economy to get another use of them.
The second part of this paper would present the normal life-cycle of a tire in many parts of the world and will evaluate the four (4) phases of a tire from creation to disposal.
The third part will present best practices (i.e. shredding, retreading) and then looks at how UK and Canada took the matter further to encourage the re-use of tire products (new life of the tire after its end of life is reached). It will also highlight what is the practice of the Government of Qatar in combating the tire accumulation problem.
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