Book Chapters

Walk Not Exultantly Upon the Earth: An Islamic Response to the Papal Encyclical on the Environment

Submitted by Issaka Razak A… on Tue, 07/06/2021 - 19:30

Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment, “Laudato Si” (“Praised be You”), is a clarion call to all of humanity. It also provides an important opportunity to expand the conversation regarding the relationship between religion and the environment. Many scientists maintain that we have reached “decade zero” for addressing climate change. We thus have no choice but to mine the riches of all the world’s traditions to create new paradigms and new solutions to environmental degradation.

فُنون الأدب في منهجيّة تعلّم اللغة العربيّة واكتسابها

Submitted by siteadmin on Mon, 03/29/2021 - 17:26

الإنتاجُ الأدبي مجالُ بحثٍ وتحليلٍ واسعٍ ينبضُ بإيقاعِ الحياة، ويُصوّر مُختلف زوايا المُجتمع، ويُعبِّر عن التّفاعل الإنساني في بيئاته المُتعدّدة. وحيث أنّ اللغة العربيّة بحاجةٍ إلى تغييرٍ نوعي في طُرقِ تعليمها لأبنائها أوّلاً وللناطقين بغيرها ثانيًا، فمِن المُفيد النّهوض بمنهجيّاتِ تدريسها، وتطوير المُحتوَى ليعرض خصائص اللغة وثقافتها - وَجْهي العُمْلة - بتقديم نماذج أدبيّة جاذبة، وبحرصٍ على مُواكبة التّطوّر السّريع الذي يشهده العالم في مجالِ تعليمِ اللغاتِ واكتسابها.

The Emerging Field of Ethics in the Context of Modern Egypt

Submitted by siteadmin on Thu, 03/18/2021 - 13:14

This article traces the emergence of ethical thinking (al-tafkīr al-akhlāqī) in Egypt since the late nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century and seeks to identify the motives and contexts of the resurgence of the field of ethics. This era is informed by its connection in Arab thought to the nahda, the so-called Arab Awakening, and, equally, its coincidence with the movement for the revival of Arab tradition and its dissemination. A great number of studies have examined the reform movement in the

Islamic Ethics and Migrant Labor in Qatar

Submitted by siteadmin on Wed, 03/17/2021 - 12:18

This chapter explores how it may be possible to understand the structure and treatment of foreign workers in Qatar in terms of Islamic principles, ethics, and culture. Studies in industrial sociology and organizational psychology have conducted studies of the Islamic work ethic with surveys to determine levels of commitment to work, job satisfaction, and the like. These studies have largely looked toward

The Use and Abuse of Domestic Workers: Case Studies in Lebanon and Egypt

Submitted by siteadmin on Wed, 03/17/2021 - 12:05

This chapter presents information from two surveys of migrant domestic workers one in Beirut, Lebanon and the other in Cairo, Egypt. It examines the social profiles of migrant workers who are recruited through two very different procurement and placement systems and to evaluate their living and working conditions and the types and frequency of abuses perpetrated against migrant domestic workers. Paid domestic workers are in a unique employment relationship that has both occupational as well as personal elements that are clearly identifiable in Arab states.

Neoliberal Urbanization and Smart Cities in the Gulf Region: The Case of Abu Dhabi’s Masdar City

Submitted by siteadmin on Thu, 03/11/2021 - 15:16

This chapter provides a critical examination of the phases, spatialities, and temporalities of neoliberalism by studying the port cities in the Persian Gulf. It begins by situating the concept of smart cities within a theoretical discussion that delineates the relationship between neoliberalization and urban spaces and identifies major fault lines. The focus is on Gulf cities in general which have been taking broad initiatives to decrease their oil/gas dependency by building a more diversified knowledge-based economy.

Financial Inclusion and Poverty Alleviation in Muslim-majority Countries: The Role of Islamic Finance and Qard Hassan

Submitted by siteadmin on Tue, 03/09/2021 - 12:25

Global Findex database reports that 75% or about one billion adults among self-identified Muslims do not have an account in a formal financial institutions. The first part of this chapter suggests that overall access to Islamic financial products is positively correlated with levels of financial inclusion in

Global Environmental Governance and the GCC: Setting the Agenda for Climate Change and Energy Security

Submitted by siteadmin on Tue, 03/09/2021 - 11:50

The threat of climate change and the need for energy security pose serious challenges for policymakers. Part of the strategy to tackle these issues rests on multilateral initiatives increasing the momentum of global environmental governance efforts. Nevertheless, these problems create a further dilemma for the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. On the one hand, the impact of climate change will heavily affect these countries and thus requires their active participation in mitigation efforts.

Global Governance and Labour Migration in the GCC

Submitted by siteadmin on Tue, 03/09/2021 - 11:40

This chapter focuses upon labour migration to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states, since the massive incomes to these countries, particularly from the oil price increase in the 1970s, resulted in one of the great migration stories of the twentieth century. Still significant, today labour migration to the GCC accounts for over 10 per cent of all migrants globally.