Translation of Muḥāḍarāt-e Sīrat

Submitted by Umar Farooq Patel on Sun, 01/08/2023 - 11:55

Muhadarat-e-Sîrat is a series of 12 lengthy lectures delivered the Prof. Mahmud Ghazi (1950-2010), ex-President of International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI). The lectures were delivered in the year 2006 at Islamic Research Institute, IIUI and each lecture was an hour and 45 minutes long. In 2007, it was published after careful transcription and since then has seen several prints. The total no. of pages in its original, dense print is 761.
This volume offers an excellent overview of the history of Sîrah, its major classical texts, its collection and compilation, approaches and methodologies, development of various genre of Sīrah literature, 21st century trends in Sīrah-writing and the relationship of Sīrah to major disciplines of social sciences such as, Sociology, Economics and Politics etc. 

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1. Dawah Academy 2. International Islamic University Islamabad
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