Sustainable Islamic Finance

Board characteristics and sustainability performance: Empirical evidence from emerging markets

Submitted by Munir on Fri, 08/12/2022 - 21:31

This study aims to investigate the effects of board attributes, i.e. board independence, gender diversity, board size and board activity, on the sustainability performance of 439 publicly-listed non-financial companies across 20 emerging countries over the period of 2010–2019.

Investigation on Human Development Needs, Challenges, and Drivers for Transition to Sustainable Development: The Case of Qatar

Submitted by Munir on Fri, 08/12/2022 - 21:17

Human development has been widely accepted as both the primary goal and driver of sustainable development. Human development is critically important for countries attempting a radical transformation from a resource-based economy to knowledge-based, sustainable development, like Qatar. This paper examines Qatar’s human development needs and challenges with respect to its economic, demographic, and educational development goals.

Islamic Social Finance and UN Sustainable Development Goal Education: An Integrative Approach

Submitted by Umar Farooq Patel on Thu, 08/11/2022 - 09:49

This study sheds light on the novel intersections between Islamic Social Finance (ISF) and UN Sustainable Development Goal Education (SDGED). It offers a localized maqāṣid al-Sharīʿa [higher purposes of Sharī’a]-based approach to the secular and universalized UN Sustainable Development Goal Education (SDGED) Framework. The article contends that approaches which utilize Islamic pedagogical principles and values are better suited for meeting SDGED’s goals in

Financial Intermediation, Fintech and Shariah Compliance

Submitted by Umar Farooq Patel on Wed, 08/10/2022 - 16:29

This chapter examines how fintech-led financial intermediation would help to solve some key Shari‘ah issues faced by traditional financial intermediation led by banks. Financial intermediation based only on interest-rate mechanisms has obvious limitations as it hampers both investments and employment. The chapter shows that fintech-led financial intermediation would lead to better Shari‘ah compliance and address the issue of financial inclusion as well as better financing of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) who have hitherto been unable to access mainstream financial market.

ضوابط المسؤولية الاجتماعية للمؤسسات المالية الإسلامية

Submitted by Munir on Mon, 03/07/2022 - 09:39

أثيرت على المؤسسات المالية الإسلامية اعتراضات فحواها تقصير هذه المؤسسات بالاضطلاع بدورها الاجتماعي المرتقب منها من حيث هي مؤسسات إسلامية عليها أن تتأبط الخير الاجتماعي في المجتمعات التي تنشط فيها، فتسهم في النهوض بتلك المجتمعات، وتدعم الفئات الاجتماعية الدنيا تقليصا للفارق المادي بين طبقات المجتمع. يفصل البحث في مدى صحة تحميل المؤسسات المالية لهذه المؤسسات الاجتماعية، وفي الأدوات والمحاور المختلفة التي يمكن من خلالها لهذه المؤسسات أن تقدم النفع الاجتماعي المنشود، وفي الضوابط الشرعية للقيام بهذا الدور.

Islamic-ESG Synergies and Performance

Submitted by Munir on Mon, 03/07/2022 - 09:15

This white paper outlines the result of research where we investigated a series of pressing question as ESG integration becomes considered by Islamic asset managers. It also identified how Shari’ah screens based on faith-based criteria combining negative and positive screening techniques about business activities and companies’ use of debt could be valuable for other asset managers and asset owners as they integrate ESG considerations.

The Role of Islamic Finance in Fostering Circular Business Investments in the Case of Qatar’s Tire Industry

Submitted by Munir on Wed, 01/26/2022 - 12:28

The natural capital manifested in nature’s many activities drives human well-being and the foundations of modern society. Natural capital sustainability is threatened with an increasing regeneration deficit due to the growing human population and appetite for high consumption. The linear economy principles if remain the norm of business practices and consumption patterns, the outcome is likely to be shortages of certain materials, growing price volatility, and continued environmental degradation.