Non-Islamic Studies


رحلة تحقيق المخطوطات العربية في الدراسات العليا: نموذج كتاب "مصارع العشاق" للشيخ الفقيه جعفر السراج

Submitted by Munir on Mon, 03/07/2022 - 09:31

التواصُلُ بين أبناءِ الثقافةِ الواحِدة عَبر قُرونٍ وعُهودٍ يَتَأتّى بِدِراسةِ الكلمةِ المُدَوَّنة، ويؤتي ثِمارَه بالاستفادةِ مِمّا سَجّله عُلماءُ هذه الثقافةِ أو تلك عن مَظاهِر الحَياةِ المُتنوّعة آنذاك، ليعرف أبناءُ المراحل التالية تفاصيل اجتماعيّة ودينيّة واقتصاديّة وسياسيّة وعِلميّة يبنون عليها مَعرفتهم ويُتابعون مِن خلالها أعمالهم، ويستمرّون في شَقِّ طريقِ المعرفة الواسِع. فالحضاراتُ تُبنَى بتدوين مَعرفة كلِّ عهدٍ وثقافته وفُنونه، وتُراث الأُممِ يُحدّد مَكانَتَها وأسبقيّتها ومدَى تألّق أعلامها في زمانها.

Women's Entrepreneurial Leadership Education for the Public Sector in the Gulf: Curricular Values for Diversity and Inclusion

Submitted by Munir on Wed, 01/26/2022 - 13:24

This chapter explores curricular principles and topics for women's entrepreneurial leadership education in Arabian Gulf countries, focussing on a number of converging and divergent factors that together distinguish the region.

Football is More Than a Sport and Qatar 2022 is More Than a World Cup

Submitted by Munir on Wed, 01/26/2022 - 11:33

Football is more than “just a game” especially if one happens to be living in a country that would host the next World Cup. As a spectacle and the  most  globally  watched  sportfollowed  by  hundreds  of  millions  of people around the world every week, football has been influencing global societies  in  versatile  ways. The  influence  extends  to  historical,  practical and ideational issuesrevolving around deeply rooted power relationships and dynamics in the football industry.

Contextualizing Entrepreneurship Education: An Introduction

Submitted by Munir on Wed, 01/26/2022 - 11:33

This chapter provides an overview of existing studies in the literature which offer varying interpretations of contextualization. This chapter builds the overall framework of the book by arguing that contextualizing EE entails a number of attributes such as receptivity to learn from global experiences, undertaking national strategies and policies and finally being sensitive to dominant value systems in the society.

The reestablishment of Mosul's city fabric: an approach to computational hybridization

Submitted by Munir on Tue, 01/25/2022 - 08:47
This paper aims out to analyze the confluence of spatial analysis and computational design strategies to support the reestablishment of Mosul's city housing fabric. According to a UN-Habitat report, Mosul suffered from catastrophic losses on an urban scale, resulting in a housing crisis that requires a large-scale response. However, the need for immediate shelters might lead to a rapid, uninformed reconstruction process, causing the loss of the architectural identity that the city accumulated over the years.