The Role of DNA Profiling in Negating and Proving Lineage in Contemporary Societies

Submitted by Umar Farooq Patel on Sun, 01/08/2023 - 11:50

Arab countries that derive their family rulings from Islamic law, the genetic fingerprint is not used in denying lineage, as is the case in Saudi, Qatari and Egyptian law. As for the Algerian law, fingerprinting is permitted in both cases, for proof and denial. As for the social aspect, contemporary sociologists have mentioned a number of negative effects that threaten the societal structure, and they considered that the issue of lineage is a fundamental issue and plays an important role in the stability of families and the preservation of the genealogical tree from mixing, and that the marital contract is the foundational contract for the rest of social relations, and the patriarchal bond It is the original nucleus of the rest of the sub-links between the various spectrums of society, and the guarantor of the survival of the cohesive social fabric of customs, traditions, moral and value affiliation and a civilized dimension.

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