Science, Innovation and Faith for Human Dignity

Submitted by Umar Farooq Patel on Wed, 01/12/2022 - 20:24

Science, Faith and Innovation for Human Dignity is a program hosted by CIS, HBKU. The program aims to provide a platform to respond to global challenges that undermine social cohesion and human dignity through bringing together science, faith and innovation. The main objectives of the program are;

  1. Faith driven practices for a sustainable and resilient world by making it integral in social, economic and environmental innovations to enhance the lives and well-being of Muslims.
  2. Cultivate digital safe spaces where ethical behaviour and moral reasoning is promoted.
Completion Date
Grant Amount
Grant Type
Research Clusters Grant
Grant Cycle
Cycle 4
Lead Project Investigator
Other Project Investigators
Project Status
Grant Received (QAR)
Total Grant Received (QAR)
Start Date