Awqaf & Its Importance In Modern Economic System

Submitted by Zhamal on Fri, 12/25/2020 - 08:50
Islam has provided the ways and means to human beings for their success in this world and the hereafter. It has given clear instructions, education and universal principles, for the creation of an Islamic welfare state, and where institutions have been established for the wellbeing of the humanity. Waqf is one of the institutions that has been created for the welfare of the needy, the poor, the family and the society at large. Personal assets or any other belonging can be endowed (waqf) for educational, health, public goods or any other benevolent purpose under specific terms and conditions. Islamic history is full of instances that the individuals and the ruling classes have donated (waqf) their valuables for the purpose of social welfare and the other public goods as well.  In the contemporary world, not only do the well-off individuals make waqf, but many institutions and organizations play a pivotal role in serving the underserved as well. These institutions provide various socio-economic services including education, health, microenterprises financing, employment opportunities, and food and shelter to vulnerable and victims of natural calamities. However, compared to the size and needs of the underserved, the services provided by these institutions are on a smaller scale and need resources and efforts to move to the larger scale. This paper gives an overview of the history of the waqf and the historical influence of the waqf institutions. In the past and present; how it evolved and developed and the role played by waqf associations and organizations in the Islamic Economies and Muslim societies, by collaboration, cooperation, assistance and other means.
Doha, Qatar
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