Developing Muamalat Curriculum: USIM’s Experience
The philosophy behind all activities in Faculty of Economics and Muamalat at USIM lies on the integration of original sources of
The philosophy behind all activities in Faculty of Economics and Muamalat at USIM lies on the integration of original sources of
The present supply of qualified human resources does not concord to the rapid growth of Islamic finance industry. To overcome this issue, FEUI introduced a far-sighted curriculum at its faculty of Economics and Business since 2013, whereby the evaluation can be properly done when the program has started and produced its graduates. Yet if the curriculum contents are not standardized, the outcome is not assumed to be worthwhile.
The famous Islamic movement ‘Muhammadiyah’ has been working since its inception in 1912, towards the development of the human resources in major fields of education. The curriculum at the Department of Economics in Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta is designed in a way that can show its results by presenting its graduates who are well equipped to fill the jobs n any Shariah business and activities, both at micro and macro levels.
The Quran and Sunnah, namely al-turath, connect the Muslim Ummah to their origin and past. It itself is the foundation of the Ummah’s existence, and a reason for their development and prosperity.
The course and curriculum of the Faculty of Economics and Business at Universitas Brawijaya, lays an emphasis on both the financial and real sectors f the economy, Literature on Islamic banking and finance has increased tremendously, but the literature on the real aspects of Islamic economics is neglected. Islamic economics should be offered as an organized body of knowledge.
Secular education permeated in most of the education system of the Muslim world that made the university graduates’ life inconsistent with Islamic values.
Islamic economics program was being considered as a part of Islamic studies remained under the domain of Ministry of Religious Affairs in Indonesia. It was only later that universities started to offer the course. A lot of experience whilst developing the curriculum at Faculty of Shariah, State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) can be studied as it is based on the philosophy of integration of knowledge.
Southeast Asian region has become one of the leading centers of Islamic economics education. Quality of the human resources in this field, like any other branch of sciences, play an important role in the development of program. As much as the curriculum needs to be improved, the recruitment of quality teachers is also a need. The reference materials are scarce in the field of Islamic economics for lecturers and students alike. Proper identification of the impediments and long-term collective initiatives would significantly make the long journey short.
Islamic Economics literature, especially Islamic Banking and Finance, has shown pace in the recent two decades, but the education of Islamic Economics is pretty much neglected. Islamic Economics is taught with a curriculum in two renowned Malaysian universities since 30 years, University of Malaya and International Islamic University Malaysia. The efforts exercised to develop Islamic economics in theory and practice will remain unsuccessful until these programs in higher learning institutions are given the necessary attention.