Book Chapters

The Shariah Recognition of Cryptocurrencies and their Usability for Waqf

Submitted by Munir on Fri, 08/12/2022 - 23:35

The shariah issues involving cryptocurrencies include the permissibility of dealing with them given that they are not backed by assets, nor their value is guaranteed by any authority or party. This is in addition to their vulnerability to sharp fluctuations in their values and to electronic piracy; not to mention the infeasibility of controlling their use in illegal activities, such as financing the drug trade and so on.

Financial Intermediation, Fintech and Shariah Compliance

Submitted by Umar Farooq Patel on Wed, 08/10/2022 - 16:29

This chapter examines how fintech-led financial intermediation would help to solve some key Shari‘ah issues faced by traditional financial intermediation led by banks. Financial intermediation based only on interest-rate mechanisms has obvious limitations as it hampers both investments and employment. The chapter shows that fintech-led financial intermediation would lead to better Shari‘ah compliance and address the issue of financial inclusion as well as better financing of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) who have hitherto been unable to access mainstream financial market.

The Significance of Waqf and the Experience of Charitable Organisations in Socio-Economic Development

Submitted by Munir on Wed, 01/26/2022 - 13:24

The chapter traces the essential functions and role awqaf played in the past, that it still provides socio-economic services for society, and organizations’ experiences, which play a significant role in this direction. It makes some recommendations for improving the sector in the present circumstances.

Women's Entrepreneurial Leadership Education for the Public Sector in the Gulf: Curricular Values for Diversity and Inclusion

Submitted by Munir on Wed, 01/26/2022 - 13:24

This chapter explores curricular principles and topics for women's entrepreneurial leadership education in Arabian Gulf countries, focussing on a number of converging and divergent factors that together distinguish the region.


Submitted by Munir on Wed, 01/26/2022 - 13:24

Among the Qur'ān's central themes are the multiplicity of revelation, the phenomena of prophethood, the nature of death, and the reality of the afterlife, among other issues central to the philosophy of religion. Nonetheless, the Qur'ān remains understudied in the field. Since the mid-nineteenth century, Western scholars have sought to establish approaches to the Qur'ānic text that eschew the Qur'ān's account of its own origins, history, and nature and circumvent a millennium of

The Role of Islamic Finance in Fostering Circular Business Investments in the Case of Qatar’s Tire Industry

Submitted by Munir on Wed, 01/26/2022 - 12:28

The natural capital manifested in nature’s many activities drives human well-being and the foundations of modern society. Natural capital sustainability is threatened with an increasing regeneration deficit due to the growing human population and appetite for high consumption. The linear economy principles if remain the norm of business practices and consumption patterns, the outcome is likely to be shortages of certain materials, growing price volatility, and continued environmental degradation.

Solving the Problem of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene in Nigeria Using Blended Finance

Submitted by Munir on Wed, 01/26/2022 - 12:28

This chapter proposes an Islamic blended finance structure for water and sanitation in Nigeria. The rising shortage of water, sanitation, and basic hygiene facilities pose a threat to the development of Nigeria and its people. A large segment of the Nigerian population in both the urban and rural communities lacks access to improved water and sanitation facilities. Open defecation is widespread in many parts of the country.

Zero Waste Cities in the Developing World: A Comparative Study

Submitted by Munir on Wed, 01/26/2022 - 12:28

Currently, our consumption-driven society contributes to the production of a large quantity of waste every day in urban environments. Low recycling rates pressurize city authorities to handle waste more sustainably. Despite this pressure, waste management systems have paid little attention to the urban planning processes, compared to other sectors like energy or water.