
Gender Issues in Islam: Recovering the Measure and Restoring the Balance

Submitted by mubarak23 on Wed, 11/13/2019 - 19:45

The main article in this book provides a schematic description of the general socio-historical and cultural context of the “question of woman”. It is an attempt to outline the general context in which the subject has been developing for at least the past one hundred years. Its primary goal is to set forth a position by suggesting a normative theoretical framework, developed from the normative sources of

كتاب كشف الفضائح اليونانية ورشف النصائح الايمانية لشهاب الدين السهروردي (ترجمة و تحقيق)

Submitted by mubarak23 on Wed, 11/13/2019 - 17:43

يعدّ هذا الكتاب من أمهات كتب التراث الإسلامي وإن كان لم يلق من الباحثين العرب أية عناية تذكر، وترك قابعا هنا وهناك في خزائن المخطوطات بالمكتبات المختلفة ، وذلك على الرغم من أهميته في إبراز جهود الصوفية في الرد على الفلاسفة وبيان تهافتهم في فلسفتهم ومحاولة إسقاط هذه الفلسفة ببيان عيوبها، والكشف عن وجوه قصورها وعجز الفلاسفة المسلمين أنفسهم عن الوصول إلى الحقيقة، رغم أنها هدف مشترك ينشده الفلسفي كما ينشده الصوفي.

The Higher Objectives of Islamic Finance

Submitted by mubarak23 on Sun, 11/10/2019 - 00:33

The main article of this book addresses the Maqasid (Higher Objectives of Sharia) of Tamweel (finance) in connection with the individual, the community, the state, and the global economy. It attempts to answer critical questions including How to evaluate the progress made by Islamic finance so far (e.g. the Islamic banks, Islamic Development Bank, and the Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices). And to what extent has Islamic finance introduced an alternative paradigm?

Ethics and Finance: An Islamic Perspective in Light of the Purposes of the Islamic Sharia

Submitted by mubarak23 on Sun, 11/10/2019 - 00:28

This book attempts to address the question: “From an Islamic perspective, what are the main objectives of ‘Islamic Finance’ in relation to the individual, society, state, and global economy?” It begins with a discussion of what it means, from a methodological perspective, to adopt a purposive approach (maqasidi) to understanding Islamic law (Sharia). It then proceeds to discuss the meaning of the purposive approach to finance grounded in the norms of Islamic Sharia.

What is Islamic Art and What Makes Art Islamic?

Submitted by mubarak23 on Sun, 11/10/2019 - 00:24

The main article in this book is an attempt to answer the question “What is Islamic art” and “What makes art Islamic?” This topic has been a field of great interest to the researcher who tackled it in some detailed juristic researches; some of them have already been published and others were presented in some conferences and seminars dealing with the subject of “Rulings of Entertainment.” The article presents a summary of many detailed studies with the hope to add value in discussing this important topic as it has far-reaching effects in our reality.

The Nature of Man in Secular Humanism and Islam: A Psychocultural Conflict of Worldviews

Submitted by mubarak23 on Sun, 11/10/2019 - 00:18

The main article of this book argues that it is a psychologically established fact now that the image that we have about others and ourselves is developed very early in our childhood and will remain with us for life. It is in these formative years that beliefs about the nature of human beings that are accepted by society are entrenched into the minds and hearts of the new generations as if it were a religion. Therefore, they will establish the belief about human nature that will influence the way adults behave and how they view the world through their biased hue.

Islamic Ethics and Psychology

Submitted by mubarak23 on Sun, 11/10/2019 - 00:14

The main article in this book attempts to answer a number of fundamental questions about ‘Islamic Ethics and Psychology.’ The central question is: “What is the position of ethics in contemporary psychology and its practices?” The three sub-questions that are also addressed: What are the most important ethical problems confronting psychiatrists and patients? What are the ethical standards for employing technologies that provide a psychological effect on individuals and groups? What role does religion play in mental health and psychotherapy?

Sharia-set as a Framework for Addressing Contemporary Environmental Challenges

Submitted by mubarak23 on Sun, 11/10/2019 - 00:09

The main article in this book addresses the contemporary environment challenges from the Higher Objectives of Islamic Sharia perspective. It reviews the great principles presented by the Qur’an and Sunna on the environment. Then, focuses on the salient ethical principles in handling environmental issues.