
Islamic Finance, Fintech, and the Road to Sustainability

Submitted by Umar Farooq Patel on Tue, 02/07/2023 - 14:36
The recent unprecedented economic downturn and global supply chain disruption by the COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating the urgency for sustainable financing infrastructure that is agile, adaptable, and transformable. Sustainability and the 4th Industrial Revolution are about more than just technology-driven change; it is an opportunity to help everyone, including leaders, policymakers and people from all income groups and nations, to navigate industry disruptions and transitioning to a new normal by harnessing converging technologies in order to create an inclusive, human-centered future.

Standardization Efforts in Islamic Finance

Submitted by Umar Farooq Patel on Thu, 01/19/2023 - 14:43
The growing number of Islamic financial institutions (IFIs) across jurisdictions and the sophistication of Islamic Finance instruments require standardizations or at least harmonization1 of Islamic Finance contracts and services to regulate the markets in order to promote their transparency and improve their stability and ultimately create a fair and equitable financial system.

الدين والدولة والسياسة

Submitted by Umar Farooq Patel on Sun, 01/08/2023 - 17:28
يتمحور النقاش في الصفحات التالية حول العلاقة بين الحياة الدينية والحياة السياسية، وتداعيات هذه العلاقة على الحياة العامة والعيش المشترك لمواطنين يختلفون في معتقداتهم وتفسيراتهم الدينية. ولّدت التجارب التاريخية التي تعاملت مع هذه العلاقة موقفين أساسيين مختلفين وجوابين متناقضين حول ارتباط الدين بالسياسة وبمؤسسات الدولة التي تسعى لتنظيم المجتمع، تمثَّل الأول في الدولة الدينية التي تتداخل فيها الحياة الدينية والسياسية، والآخر في الدولة العلمانية التي تسعى لحصر القضايا المرتبطة بالتعاليم الدينية في مؤسسة مستقلة عن مؤسسات الدولة هي المؤسسة الدينية.

Wealth Management and Investment in Islamic Settings: Opportunities and Challenges

Submitted by Umar Farooq Patel on Thu, 10/13/2022 - 18:42
This book addresses the theory, practices, challenges, key issues and potential future policies concerning investment and wealth management in connection with Islamic finance. There is a noted scarcity of literature on Islamic approaches towards wealth management from a jurisprudential perspective, and so this book aims to address this lacuna in available literature.