
Performances of Islamic and Conventional Equities during the Global Health Crisis: Time‐frequency Analysis of BRICS+T Markets

Submitted by Umar Farooq Patel on Tue, 08/30/2022 - 16:55

This study investigates the dynamic linkages and spillover effect between emerging economies (BRICS and Turkey), focusing on global crises, notably the COVID-19 pandemic. The study uses daily frequency data covering the period from 2002M5 to 2021M03. For the methodology, the paper employs Wavelet Coherence for multiresolution time-frequency analysis in addition to the frameworks of Diebold-Yilmaz Connectedness Index (DY12) and Barunik-Krehlik Frequency Connectedness Index (BK18).

Economics of Savings-based Finance: An Interest-free Model of Rotating Savings and Credit Association in Turkey

Submitted by Umar Farooq Patel on Tue, 08/30/2022 - 16:55

The emerging markets have been witnessing a remarkable revival of rotating savings and credit associations (ROSCAs) serving as alternative informal financing and investment platforms, also known as savings-based finance (SBF) in Turkey. The purpose of this study is to present the SBF model mathematically, analyse the performance of the SBF sector and propose a new Sharīʿah-compliant SBF model for the acquisition of durables.

Response to Karen Bauer's Review of The Study Quran

Submitted by Munir on Mon, 08/29/2022 - 09:50

In her review of The Study Quran in AJISS (34:4), Karen Bauer makes a number of broad claims about the authors’ ideology and methodology, particularly in producing the commentary that accompanies the translation. Her claims regarding the commentary, however, seem to be based on a limited reading of the text, which has led her to make a number of otherwise inexplicable factual errors.

Divorce in the Qatari Society and Wifaq's (Family Consulting Center) remedial role in 2015

Submitted by Munir on Mon, 08/29/2022 - 09:34

Divorce has become an increasingly threatening phenomenon in the Qatarī society. It reached a towering 56.2% in 2014 and is thus the cause for sustained alarm and worry owing to its dreadful impact on individuals, families and hence the society itself. Moreover, this alarming rise stands in glaring contrast to the goals set by Qatar's National Development Strategy 2011-2016.

نحو قراءة منظومية أخلاقية للفقه: الإجهاض نموذجًا

Submitted by Munir on Mon, 08/29/2022 - 09:32

بنية أخلاقية بالمنظور الحديث، سواءٌ الأخلاق المعيارية أم التطبيقية، وهي محاولة لتجاوز مجرد الانشغال بالصياغة المعاصرة للأحكام الفقهية إلى معالجة مشاغل حديثة وتأمل العقل الفقهي نفسه من خلال موضوعاته وأحكامه.

مدخل إلى دراسة تاريخ الفكر الأخلاقي في مصر في سياق مشاريع الإصلاح والنهضة

Submitted by Munir on Mon, 08/29/2022 - 09:31

يؤرخ هذا البحث للتفكير الأخلاقي في مصر منذ نهايات القرن التاسع عشر، للوقوف على دوافع استعادة السؤال الأخلاقي وسياقاتها من جهة، ولمعرفة التوجهات والأطر المرجعية التي ساهمت في هذا التحول أو نَتَجت منه من جهة أخرى. ويأتي تحديد هذه الحقبة الزمنية؛ لأنها تمثل اتجاه النهضة في الفكر العربي من جهة، وتتزامن مع حركة إحياء التراث العربي ونشره من جهة أخرى، وذلك بهدف استكشاف أبعاد أخرى للإصلاح بعيدًا عن التوجهات الفقهية والمقاصدية التي لقيت الكثير من الاهتمام