Master of Arts in Islam and Global Affairs

Global Governance and Muslim Organizations

Submitted by siteadmin on Wed, 04/01/2020 - 13:44

There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, represented on the world stage by 57 states, as well as a host of international organizations and associations. This book critically examines the engagement of these states in systems of global governance and with a variety of policy regimes, including climate change, energy, migration, humanitarian aid, international financial institutions, research and education.

Scholarship and Social Engagement: Reflecting on the Career of Sulayman Nyang

Submitted by siteadmin on Sun, 03/29/2020 - 09:09

The theme of this editorial is inspired by the passing of a dear friend, Sulayman Nyang, whose life epitomized the nexus between scholarship and social engagement. Dr. Nyang’s life and career follows a long-held Islamic tradition stretching over a millennium. I would like to begin my reflections by citing the tradition of social engagement and social responsibility within Islamic scholarship, and then briefly examine how that tradition was upheld by Dr. Nyang and offer a synopsis of his thoughts and actions. © Author

Islam, Entrepreneurship, and Embeddedness

Submitted by Munir on Sat, 11/09/2019 - 15:14

This study centers on the premise that entrepreneurship is an embedded process. Although “the entrepreneur” is inherently an “individual,” entrepreneurship can never be fully disembedded from the more general social settings within which any business venture is situated. An Islamic-based economic discursive framework should be cognizant of the different forms of sociality, spatiality, and community as well as the various norms, codes, and symbols that define society more generally. The work of Karl Polanyi on embeddedness is engaged and juxtaposed with

Advancing Clean Technology Entrepreneurship in the Middle East and North African (mena) Region: Law, Education and Policy Imperatives

Submitted by Munir on Sat, 11/09/2019 - 14:57

Two of the key priorities of the Arab world in the coming years are to develop and deploy clean technologies (cleantech) needed to combat the adverse effects of climate change in the region; and to diversify domestic economies to become low carbon economies with greater prospects for green jobs. However, despite broad political discussions of these policy goals, several countries in the Middle East and North African (mena) region continue to lag in terms of the level and adequacy of entrepreneurial cleantech start-up activities.

Turkish and BRICS Engagement in Sub Saharan Africa: Between Humanitarian and Economic Interests.

Submitted by Munir on Sat, 11/09/2019 - 14:57

This article studies the political economy of Turkey’s relations with sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) since 2002 while Turkey was under the Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) rule. It argues that Turkey has focused its engagement in Africa mostly on humanitarian assistance and the economy. Contextualizing Turkey’s relations with SSA vis-à-vis other emerging market economies, especially the BRICS (Brazil/Russia/India/China/South Africa), provides ample insights into the nature of Turkey’s engagement in SSA.

الشريعة والمجتمع: بحث في مقاصد الشريعة وعلاقتها بالمتغيرات الاجتماعية والتاريخية

Submitted by mubarak23 on Fri, 11/08/2019 - 18:12

بحث في مقاصد الشريعة وعلاقتها بالمتغيرات الاجتماعية والتاريخية يسعى الكتاب إلى الإجابة على الكثير من الأسئلة الهامة التي تتعلق بمفهوم الشريعة ومحدداتها، وارتباطها بالممارسات الاجتماعية اليومية، كما يبحث في علاقة الشريعة بالمجتمع السياسي والدولة، لاسيما بعدما أصبح تطبيق الشريعة البرنامج الأساسي لكثير من الحركات السياسية الإسلامية التي تواجه دول ما بعد الاستعمار على امتداد العالم الإسلامي. وينطلق الكاتب في سعيه للإجابة عن تلك الأسئلة من النتائج التي وصل إليها علماء الأصول والفقه المؤثرين، معتمدا على تحليل دلالاتها ومعانيها، ومناقشة ظروفها التاريخية.