Digital Banking and Fintech

Deferment of Both Counter Values in Financial Transactions; Maqasid Analysis and its Impacts on Money Exchanges

Submitted by Munir on Tue, 01/25/2022 - 11:49

Shariah texts forbid deferment of both counter values in the commutative transactions. However, it is obvious that contemporary juristic opinions abide by this prohibition without appreciating its Shariah objectives. This is evident as some of these opinions unjustifiably differentiate between similar applications, or they violate the prohibition by allowing stratagems that eventually lead to having both values deferred.

The Ascent of Bitcoin: Bibliometric Analysis of Bitcoin Research

Submitted by Munir on Tue, 01/25/2022 - 09:50

Bitcoin, as the first decentralized cryptocurrency, pioneers the cryptocurrency markets, both in terms of market capitalization and scientific interest. In this paper, we performed a comprehensive bibliometric study of the Bitcoin-related literature. Using the Scopus database, we created a sample that comprises 4495 documents written in the 2011–2020 period.

Survival of the Fittest: A natural experiment from crypto exchanges

Submitted by Munir on Tue, 01/25/2022 - 09:30

This paper explores the applicability of universal cryptocurrency exchange by analyzing crypto exchanges of Binance, Latoken, Kucoin, and Qash, which also have their own cryptocurrencies in the crypto market. Results of the recursive Johansen cointegration test proved that even though all of the cryptocurrencies have cointegration among each other, Binance positively disassociated itself from others after it moved to Malta on 23 March 2018.

Bitcoin and altcoins price dependency: Resillience and portfoilio allocation in Covid-19 outbreak

Submitted by Munir on Tue, 01/25/2022 - 09:04

The main aim of this article is to examine the inter-relationships among the top cryptocurrencies on the crypto stock market in the presence and absence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The nine chosen cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, Eos, BitcoinCash, Binance, Stellar, and Tron and their daily closing price data are captured from coinmarketcap over the period from 13 September 2017 to 21 September 2020.

Using Blockcahin-Enabled Solutions as SDG Accelerators in the International Development Space

Submitted by Munir on Tue, 01/25/2022 - 07:53
As the world is striving to recover from the shockwaves triggered by the COVID-19 crisis, all hands are needed on deck to transition towards green recovery and make peace with nature as prerequisites of a global sustainable development pathway. In this paper, we examine the blockchain hype, the gaps in the knowledge, and the tools needed to build promising use cases for blockchain technology to accelerate global efforts in this decade of action towards achieving the SDGs.

Blockchain-Based Solutions in Achieving SDGs after Covid-19

Submitted by Munir on Tue, 01/25/2022 - 07:53
In this paper, we attempt to explore the extent to which the hard won development gains over the last several years could be reversed due to the unfolding COVID-19 global pandemic, how we can reboot the global response to accelerate the SDGs in times of uncertainties, and most importantly how to turn the recovery into an opportunity to build back better and more resilient economies.

In search of safe haven assets during COVID-19 pandemic: An empirical analysis of different investor types

Submitted by Munir on Tue, 01/25/2022 - 07:30
This study assesses the role of gold, crude oil and cryptocurrency as a safe haven for traditional, sustainable, and Islamic investors during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Using Wavelet coherence analysis and spillover index methodologies in bivariate and multivariate settings, this study examines the correlation of these assets for different investment horizons. The findings suggest that gold, oil and Bitcoin exhibited low coherency with each stock index across almost all considered investment horizons until the onset of the COVID-19.

Fintech, Digital Currency and the Future of Islamic Finance:Strategic, Regulatory and Adoption Issues in the Gulf Cooperation Council

Submitted by Munir on Sun, 01/23/2022 - 22:25
The banking and financial landscape has been inundated with technology over the last decade, with FinTech, InsurTech and RegTech being just some of the new applications within finance. In the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), FinTech is yet to ­find its feet despite several digital transformation drives initiated by the regional governments in the UAE and Bahrain. In comparison to conventional ­finance, the use of FinTech within Islamic financial institutions (IFIs) in GCC countries is still in its very early stages.

Does Shariah Recognize Cryptocurrencies as Valid Currencies?

Submitted by siteadmin on Thu, 03/26/2020 - 11:06

Undoubtedly, the emergence of cryptocurrencies has imposed the challenge of addressing their Shariah issues. These issues include the very permissibility of their issuance in view of the fact that they are not backed by real valuable assets or supervised by financial authorities, which makes their holders vulnerable to possible fraud and manipulative fluctuations in their values.

هل تعترف الشريعة بثمنية العملات الرقمية المشفرة؟

Submitted by Munir on Sat, 11/09/2019 - 11:48

فرض ظهور العملات الرقمية المشفرة تحديات جديدة على فقه الاقتصاد الإسلامي، فقد شاع الاتجار والتعامل بهذه العملات في الآونة الأخيرة على نحو يستدعي بيان الحكم الشرعي فيها. وبيان الحكم الشرعي يستدعي فهم ماهية هذه العملات، وخصائصها، وأوجه التعامل بها، وأبعادها الإقتصادية. وتشمل أحكامها الشرعية تعامل الناس بها تداولا وتجارة، وما إذا كانت الشريعة تعترف بثمنيتها فتأخذ أحكام النقود، فتخضع لأحكام الربا الخاصة بالعملات وبالذهب والفضة.