Sustainability - Sustainable / Circular Economy

Can UGITs Promote Liquidity Management and Sustainable Development?

Submitted by Munir on Sat, 11/09/2019 - 13:18

This paper aims to propose a liquidity management solution for Islamic financial institutions (IFIs) that concurs with sustainable development and financial stability. Design/methodology/approach: The study is a qualitative research. It uses the exploratory research methodology, specifically the content analysis approach, to gather primary data and identify and interpret relevant secondary data and Sharīʿah concepts. The purpose is to develop a liquidity management solution for IFIs.

Remittances, Economic Growth and Poverty: A Case of African OIC Member Countries

Submitted by Munir on Sat, 11/09/2019 - 12:31

This paper investigates the impact of remittance inflows on economic growth and poverty reduction for seven African countries using annual data from 1992-2010. By using the depth of hunger as a proxy for poverty in a Simultaneous Equation Model (SEM), we find that remittances have statistically significant growth-enhancing and poverty-reducing impact. Drawing on our estimates, we conclude that the financial development level significantly increases the remittances inflows and strengthens poverty alleviating impact of remittances.

هل تعترف الشريعة بثمنية العملات الرقمية المشفرة؟

Submitted by Munir on Sat, 11/09/2019 - 11:48

فرض ظهور العملات الرقمية المشفرة تحديات جديدة على فقه الاقتصاد الإسلامي، فقد شاع الاتجار والتعامل بهذه العملات في الآونة الأخيرة على نحو يستدعي بيان الحكم الشرعي فيها. وبيان الحكم الشرعي يستدعي فهم ماهية هذه العملات، وخصائصها، وأوجه التعامل بها، وأبعادها الإقتصادية. وتشمل أحكامها الشرعية تعامل الناس بها تداولا وتجارة، وما إذا كانت الشريعة تعترف بثمنيتها فتأخذ أحكام النقود، فتخضع لأحكام الربا الخاصة بالعملات وبالذهب والفضة.

Bank Lending Channel in a Dual Banking System: Why Are Islamic Banks So Responsive?

Submitted by siteadmin on Thu, 10/03/2019 - 09:40

We examine the interest rate sensitivity of both deposits and credits at Islamic and conventional banks in Turkey. We find that the bank lending channel is especially operative for Islamic banks. Impulse responses for conventional and Islamic banks reveal that Islamic bank depositors’ sensitivity to policy rate changes are substantially larger than that of conventional bank depositors.

Consumer Trust Building in Islamic Finance: Lessons from the US and Abroad

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 08/22/2019 - 16:22

With the increasing instances of malfeasance and frauds coming to light in the financial services industry, trust has become a key concern for customers. Fortunately, in the case of Islamic Finance, trust is a central tenet, and its importance can be seen through the emphasis of Amanah or trustworthiness that should be present in every financial transaction. However, it has been argued that the principle of trust has not been truly realized in Islamic Finance, or that there are still issues of distrust regarding anything which is obtrusively branded as “Islamic”.