Sustainability - Sustainable / Circular Economy

Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Islamic Banking in Qatar

Submitted by Umar Farooq Patel on Wed, 01/12/2022 - 20:50

This study will attempt to study and analyze the Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) of Islamic Banking in Qatar. To date, there is no study that has analysed the demand side of the Islamic Banking industry i.e. the public in general and the clients of Islamic Banks. The majority of the studies have focused on the supply side of the Islamic Banking industry i.e. the Islamic Financial Institutions and their products and services.

Disciplining Banks through Profit-Sharing Investment Accounts

Submitted by Umar Farooq Patel on Wed, 01/12/2022 - 20:50

Recent corporate finance theories posit that corporate governance is increasingly based on exit strategies rather than on voice. These theories conjecture that, even in the absence of intervention power, dispersed blockholders can govern firms (Edmans 2009; Admati and Pfleiderer 2009). While such a dispersed structure appears to be a barrier for direct intervention, it strengthens the role of a second governance mechanism: disciplining through trading.

Toward a diversified economy in post-pandemic environment: regeneration of Qatari villages

Submitted by siteadmin on Thu, 03/11/2021 - 15:11

This paper aims to explore the possibilities of economic diversification in the State of Qatar through the regeneration of built heritage post the COVID-19 pandemic, promoting sustainable tourism and creating a center for cultural heritage in Qatar, thereby enhancing the sense of identity both socially and physically among the nationals and residents.

The Role of Islamic Finance in Fostering Circular Business Investments: the Case of OIC Countries

Submitted by siteadmin on Wed, 03/10/2021 - 17:28

The linear economic approach described as the "take, make, dispose of" model where the bulk of the material used to make products is ultimately thrown away is recognized as a contributor to the natural resource constraints faced by humanity. Responding to this problem requires an economic paradigm of "reduce, reuse and recycle" conceptualized as Circular Economy(CE). The paper explores ways Islamic finance can support circular businesses within OIC countries to achieve economic growth that is not at the expense of the environment.

The Interlinkage between Social Exclusion and Financial Inclusion: Evidence from Pakistan [IRTI Policy Paper Series, PP/2018/01]

Submitted by siteadmin on Wed, 10/14/2020 - 10:09

Using the data from Pakistan Panel Household Survey (2010), this paper assesses the role of financial inclusion in reducing social exclusion. The findings from regression analysis confirm a statistically significant negative impact of financial inclusion on social exclusion including deep [multidimensional] social exclusion. Deep exclusion for population having financial inclusion drops to 34.8% from 81% otherwise. Most importantly, none of the women was found having deep social exclusion if she has access to financial services.

Practical Means of Integrating Zakat and Waqf into the Poverty Reduction Agenda of OIC Member Countries

Submitted by siteadmin on Wed, 10/14/2020 - 10:04

The prevalence of widespread poverty is one of the most serious challenges confronting the world today. The intensity of the problem in developing countries, mostly OIC member countries (MCs), is more severe. The developed nations of the world have succeeded overtime to provide social protection to their masses by launching a variety of welfare programs. Unfortunately, similar social security measures either do not exist or do not work efficiently in the developing countries.

Awqaf and its Importance in a Modern Economic System

Submitted by siteadmin on Wed, 10/14/2020 - 09:58

The paper traced the essential functions and role of awqaf that it played in the past and still providing socio-economic services for the society. The paper provides explicitly the experiences of a few organizations, which play a significant role in this direction and made some recommendations for the improvement of the sector in the present circumstances.