Progressive Education - Personalized Learning

Towards an Open Science: Causality and Beyond—Learning from Ottoman Experience

Submitted by Umar Farooq Patel on Sat, 09/10/2022 - 13:15
Popper described those who aspire to build a unified and all comprehensive theory of the world as enemies of an open society because the advocates of such theories would discriminate against alternative approaches, and their advocates, which would lead to authoritarianism if backed by the state. The solution Popper offered was to test these. theories against data or to subject them to the test of falsification.

The probabilities of type I and II error of null of cointegration tests: A Monte Carlo comparison

Submitted by Munir on Fri, 08/12/2022 - 21:56

This paper evaluates the performance of eight tests with null hypothesis of cointegration on basis of probabilities of type I and II errors using Monte Carlo simulations. This study uses a variety of 132 different data generations covering three cases of deterministic part and four sample sizes. The three cases of deterministic part considered are: absence of both intercept and linear time trend, presence of only the intercept and presence of both the intercept and linear time trend.