Master of Arts in Contemporary Islamic Studies

Dealing with Anxiety in Light of the Sirah

Submitted by siteadmin on Tue, 01/03/2023 - 09:50

The life and teachings of our beloved Prophet (PBUH) are the source of our manners and etiquettes. In this Minaretein Center X CIS Foresight Talks Series event, we will outline the guidance of the Prophet (PBUH) in dealing with stress and anxiety. Turning to the Sirah for guidance, this lecture will elaborate on the Prophetic model for combatting stress and overcoming grief in our lives.

Speaker: Dr. Yasir Qadhi

What is Post-Orientalism?

Submitted by siteadmin on Sun, 01/01/2023 - 12:52

Orientalism has been rightly held accountable for complicity with colonialism, empire, prejudice, and racism. The wave of critique that was launched against it over the last half century did nothing but insulate it, if not strengthen it, through vaccination and mutation. Held as a part of the Dean’s Foresight Talks series, the lecture will explore the significance of this phenomenon to many academic disciplines and how remolded Orientalism must lead the way in redefining the modern and freeing it from its malevolent tendencies.

Theory Theology and Practice of Indigenous Cooperative Governance Institutions

Submitted by siteadmin on Thu, 10/27/2022 - 09:40

The field of governance, both in policy and in administration, encompasses various sciences and traditions to address the demands and challenges of the human social structure. However, current international standards in this area are largely defined by the dominant Western paradigm at the exclusion of all other religious and cultural traditions.

حماية الأسرة في ظل التحديات المعاصرة

Submitted by siteadmin on Thu, 10/06/2022 - 01:54

الأسرة هي ركيزة بناء المجتمع وتواجهها الكثير من التحديات الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والثقافية والقانونية وغيرها في ظل الانفتاح والتطور التكنولوجي المعاصر. تسلط هذه السلسلة من المحاضرات "حماية الأسرة في ظل التحديات المعاصرة" الضوء على آليات الحماية الذاتية للأسرة من منظور علم الاجتماع والفقه الإسلامي والقانون القطري وتنفيذه عبر الأجهزة القضائية.

Islamic Psychology: Past, Present and Future

Submitted by Umar Farooq Patel on Mon, 09/12/2022 - 11:19

Despite the contemporary discipline of psychology being only a little over hundred years old, Islamic scholars have been discussing human psychology for over a millennium. This lecture will explore some of the discussions of human psychology found within the classical Islamic scholarly heritage, with a particular focus on how contemporary

Toward an Open Science and Society: Multiplex Relations in Language, Religion and Society

Submitted by Umar Farooq Patel on Sat, 09/10/2022 - 14:30
In this paper I introduce a new concept, "open science," to denote a pluralist and democratic science culture. I aim that an open society requires, on both the local and the global levels, an open science. For science culture plays a significant role in shaping the political cultures which have a direct impact on social relations and human rights. I call for reform of our exclusionist science culture with the aim of better understanding the world, and, at the same time, of promoting a more democratic attitude towards alternative explanations and interpretations.

Adamiyyah and ‘Ismah: The Contested Relationship between Humanity and Human Rights in the Classical Islamic Law

Submitted by Umar Farooq Patel on Sat, 09/10/2022 - 14:23
In this article it is argued that the cleavage in modern legal discourse between the advocates of universal human rights and domestic civil rights has also been observed in Islamic law since its formative period in the first ce~tury oflslam, which correspondsto the seventh century AD. A survey of the works of

Critical Methods on Hadīth: Self Reflexivity in Hadīth Scholarship

Submitted by Umar Farooq Patel on Sat, 09/10/2022 - 14:13
Hadīth narration, I argue, remained an excessively self-critical and selfreflective activity regarding ties, identities, and networks, but not only regarding narrative texts. The Sciences of hadīth, which emerged gradually parallel to the formation of hadīth transmission network, document the way hadīth narrators examined their own network.1 A survey of this literature below will show that narrators developed a differentiated view to hadīth, its narrators and types of their ties. Furthermore, they analyzed patterns in the transmission networks of hadīth to determine the degree of reliability.