Master of Science in Islamic Finance

No Trust, No Use: How Young Retail Investors Build Initial Trust in Financial Robo-Advisors

Submitted by siteadmin on Sun, 09/04/2022 - 15:58

This online seminar is part of the 'Fintech Seminar Series' held by College of Islamic Studies, HBKU. The seminar speaker will discuss on "No Trust, No Use: How Young Retail Investors Build Initial Trust in Financial Robo-Advisors". The guest speaker, Mustafa Nourallah, will share his research on the factors that impact initial trust and behavioral intentions by youth to use financial robo-advisors (FRAs); and the implications of his work in the industry.

The Technological Impact in Finance: A Bibliometric Study of Fintech Research

Submitted by Munir on Sun, 09/04/2022 - 08:43

This paper is a review of research work done in FinTech that included technological innovation in finance in area such as the credit market (including Peer-2-Peer lending), insurance with a blockchain-assisted smart contract and payment systems (including cryptocurrencies). The paper provides a bibliometric review of FinTech in finance based on the published articles and journals in the Scopus database relating to 1,717 publications available between 1960 and 2021 onward.

Is FDI Growth Enhancing: An Exploration from OIC Member Countries

Submitted by Munir on Wed, 08/31/2022 - 10:36

This study examines the impact of FDI inflow on economic growth of the selected countries over the period of 1980-2011. Results, from Generalized Method of Moment (GMM) in Simultaneous Equations Model (SEM), suggest that positive spillover-effect of FDI inflows is conditional on the level of human capital development. Further, we find the evidence that FDI erodes domestic investment and a net crowding-out effect of FDI is documented.

Dr. Ruslan Nagayev

Submitted by Umar Farooq Patel on Tue, 08/30/2022 - 17:30

Ruslan Nagayev (Adam) obtained his BA degree in Business Administration from Misr University for Science and Technology (Egypt) in 2004. He began his career in the oil industry at a multinational company. Within four years of his working experience, he advanced from the position of Cost Control assistant to Chief Internal Auditor. He obtained a Master's degree in 2010 and a PhD in 2017 both in Islamic Finance at INCEIF. He received the President’s Award for the best PhD.

Cryptocurrency co-movements and Crypto Exchange Movement: The Relocation of Binance

Submitted by Umar Farooq Patel on Tue, 08/30/2022 - 17:07
Binance, the largest cryptocurrency exchange by traded value, relocated from Hong Kong (origin market) to Malta (destination market). This study exploits this relocation event by examining the comovement of Binance’s native token with the native tokens of other cryptocurrency exchanges in the origin and destination markets. Using multivariate regression analysis, our results show that Binance experienced a significant decline in comovement with its origin market after moving to Malta.

Performances of Islamic and Conventional Equities during the Global Health Crisis: Time‐frequency Analysis of BRICS+T Markets

Submitted by Umar Farooq Patel on Tue, 08/30/2022 - 16:55

This study investigates the dynamic linkages and spillover effect between emerging economies (BRICS and Turkey), focusing on global crises, notably the COVID-19 pandemic. The study uses daily frequency data covering the period from 2002M5 to 2021M03. For the methodology, the paper employs Wavelet Coherence for multiresolution time-frequency analysis in addition to the frameworks of Diebold-Yilmaz Connectedness Index (DY12) and Barunik-Krehlik Frequency Connectedness Index (BK18).