CIS Faculty


Studies in Islamic Ethics

Submitted by siteadmin on Tue, 09/21/2021 - 14:06

Studies in Islamic Ethics is a double-blind peer-reviewed book series that covers all aspects of ethics in the Islamic world, both historical and contemporary. The series welcomes volumes in English, French, and Arabic.

The series has published three books:

Disruption-Self-Reflection-and-Renovation: Revisiting the Arabic Influences in Don Quijote

Submitted by siteadmin on Mon, 03/29/2021 - 19:44

Though the use of verisimilitude in Don Quijote served largely to counter the trend of imaginary settings in the chivalric romances, the question remains why Cervantes chose to emphasize elements of Spain’s Arab-Moorish heritage and to what extent did such heritage motivate his writing? While the most widely acknowledged purpose of Don Quijote was to satirize and terminate the genre of the chivalric romances, Cervantes may have had other aims as well.

Fintech, Digital Currency and the Future of Islamic Finance: Strategic, Regulatory and Adoption Issues in the Gulf Cooperation Council

Submitted by siteadmin on Tue, 03/23/2021 - 13:24

The banking and financial landscape has been inundated with technology over the last decade, with FinTech, InsurTech and RegTech being just some of the new applications within finance. In the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), FinTech is yet to ­find its feet despite several digital transformation drives initiated by the regional governments in the UAE and Bahrain. In comparison to conventional ­finance, the use of FinTech within Islamic financial institutions (IFIs) in GCC countries is still in its very early stages.

الوسطية الإسلامية وفقه الدولة:قراءة نقدية

Submitted by siteadmin on Thu, 03/18/2021 - 14:05

تحليل نقدي لأطروحة «الدولة الإسلامية » وتطوّر التفكير فيها داخل تيار الوسطية الإسلامية، وتبيان ما يكتنفها من غموض والتباس بين جملة مفاهيم )الدولة الحديثة، الخلافة، الإمامة، الحكم(، وهو ما اقتضى عودةً إلى السياقين التاريخيّ والمفهوميّ لأطروحة «الدولة الإسلامية » بغية الكشف عن الإشكالات التي أحاطت بالتفكير الإسلامي الوسطي على مستوى بناء منظومته، وما تميّز به هذا البناء من غياب الاتّساق والتنافر وعدم دقّة أطروحات أصحابه بالاستناد إلى مرجعيتهم الفقهية.

الفقيه والدولة في الثورات العربية: معضلة الفقيه في ظل الدولة الوطنية الحديثة

Submitted by siteadmin on Thu, 03/18/2021 - 13:42

تقوم هذه الدراسة على أطروحة مركزية بَلْورها الكاتب سنة 2008 ، وهي أن مشكلات الفقه الإسلامي المعاصر ناتجة من علاقته بالدولة الوطنية الحديثة التي شكّلت قطيعة مع الموروث الفقهي، ولذلك انقسم الفقهاء في مواجهة متغيرات السلطة إلى ما اصطُلح عليه بالفقيه الحركي والفقيه التقليدي.

The Emerging Field of Ethics in the Context of Modern Egypt

Submitted by siteadmin on Thu, 03/18/2021 - 13:14

This article traces the emergence of ethical thinking (al-tafkīr al-akhlāqī) in Egypt since the late nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century and seeks to identify the motives and contexts of the resurgence of the field of ethics. This era is informed by its connection in Arab thought to the nahda, the so-called Arab Awakening, and, equally, its coincidence with the movement for the revival of Arab tradition and its dissemination. A great number of studies have examined the reform movement in the

Islamic Ethics and Migrant Labor in Qatar

Submitted by siteadmin on Wed, 03/17/2021 - 12:18

This chapter explores how it may be possible to understand the structure and treatment of foreign workers in Qatar in terms of Islamic principles, ethics, and culture. Studies in industrial sociology and organizational psychology have conducted studies of the Islamic work ethic with surveys to determine levels of commitment to work, job satisfaction, and the like. These studies have largely looked toward

The Use and Abuse of Domestic Workers: Case Studies in Lebanon and Egypt

Submitted by siteadmin on Wed, 03/17/2021 - 12:05

This chapter presents information from two surveys of migrant domestic workers one in Beirut, Lebanon and the other in Cairo, Egypt. It examines the social profiles of migrant workers who are recruited through two very different procurement and placement systems and to evaluate their living and working conditions and the types and frequency of abuses perpetrated against migrant domestic workers. Paid domestic workers are in a unique employment relationship that has both occupational as well as personal elements that are clearly identifiable in Arab states.