Islamic Ethics between the Late Pre-modern and the Early Modern

Submitted by siteadmin on Mon, 02/20/2023 - 16:09

Shah Waliullah al-Dahlavi is well known for his enormous efforts to restore some of the waning glory of Islam and Muslim rule in the Indian Subcontinent. He was a prolific writer who identified the weakness of the Muslim community in its ignorance and mutual division. He then wrote extensively to address this situation and improve the lot of Muslims in the Indian subcontinent. This lecture will shed light on the Sheikh's efforts in this regard by highlighting aspects of his spiritual system.


Dr. Marcia Hermansen, 
Professor and Director, 
Islamic World Studies Program 
Loyola University, Chicago

End Date
Auditorium, Minaratein
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Organizing Institution
Type of Event
Start Date
Mon, 12/13/2021 - 22:24
Event Format