Rebuilding the Social Sciences on Islamic Epistemological Foundations

Submitted by siteadmin on Tue, 01/24/2023 - 18:26

Social sciences were created in aftermath of a century of religious wars in Europe, which demonstrated to Europeans that religion does not offer viable methods to organize society. Rejection of God, Judgment, and the Afterlife led to grounding of social sciences on the assumptions that man is just another animal, with pursuit of pleasure as the only goal. Furthermore, society consists of competing groups operating in an environment of war of all against all, with survival of the fittest being the only moral principle. It is obvious that this conception of society is radically different from the Islamic conception. The Islamic intellectual heritage offers rather different methods and theoretical frameworks on which to build societies.

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Conference Room 1, Minaratein
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Mon, 12/13/2021 - 22:24
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