Futuwwa: The Code of Honor (Fall 2022)

Submitted by siteadmin on Tue, 09/27/2022 - 04:48

Futuwwa are codified ethical principles of Islamic chivalry and nobility. These are the ideals Muslim individuals and families should aspire to live by in their daily lives. The chain of Prophets from Adam up until the Prophet Muḥammad (S), and his Companions are the best examples for us and for the young generations to come. You and and your families are invited to come discover together the codified ethical principles of Islamic chivalry and how to practice them in our daily lives. Let us become the vessels of futuwwa ethics and the role models for the Ummah.


End Date
Minaretein Building - Student Lounge
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Start Date
Mon, 12/13/2021 - 22:24
Event Format