Defence and Peace Economics

Submitted by Munir on Fri, 08/12/2022 - 19:20
Country of Publisher
United Kingdom
Name of the Publisher
Frequency of Publication
Eight Times a Year
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Photo (Cover Page of the Issue)
Defence and Peace Economics
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Cite Score
Highest Percentile
Journal Summary

Defence and Peace Economics (DPE) has established itself as the prime outlet of quality research in all aspects of the economics of defence, security, disarmament, conflict and peace.  DPE, a bimonthly peer-reviewed journal, attracts scholarly contributions from academics and practitioners worldwide and provides its readers with the latest studies and analyses on issues of defence and security. Major thematic areas covered include conflict and civil war, national security, terrorism, peacemaking and peacekeeping, conflict resolution, the economic effects of defence spending, arms races, the arms trade, the economics of alliances, burden sharing, defence management, budgeting and procurement, military personnel recruitment and retention, the defence‐industrial complex, defence R&D, country and industry surveys.