Housing Policy Debate

Submitted by Munir on Fri, 08/12/2022 - 18:53
Country of Publisher
United Kingdom
Name of the Publisher
Frequency of Publication
Six Times a Year
Indexed By
Contact Email ID
Cite Score
Highest Percentile
Journal Summary

Housing Policy Debate provides an outlet for cutting edge, original research that evaluates and informs housing and community development policy. Subjects include affordable housing, neighborhood revitalization, housing-related poverty alleviation and integration strategies, and metropolitan development trends. The Journal also aims to explore linkages between housing policy and finance, energy, environmental, and transportation policies through interdisciplinary approaches.
The Journal seeks to highlight current debate on these topics through Forum sections that feature a central article with responding comments that represent a range of perspectives. Housing Policy Debate also features an occasional Outlook section, where the editors and advisory board members comment on emerging areas of housing and community development research or current events.  Our objective is to capture the current thought and dynamics of housing and housing-related policy.