State-Society Relationship in Digital Fatwas: A Study of Islamweb in Qatar

Submitted by lfatajo on Sun, 07/03/2022 - 17:30
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CIS publications
CIS Thesis
Student Name
Salhein, Youssof Muhammad
Year of Graduation

This thesis is about the digital fatwa institution within the national context in the state of Qatar. It analyzes a sample of approximately five hundred fatwas from Islamweb in relation to its birthplace i.e., Qatar. The thesis also relies on a number of interviews with officials, senior, junior and ex-muftis in Islamweb. Depending on both fresh materials, the study draws upon the most provoking political, social and economic issues raised by Muslims in Qatar and how Islamweb approaches such issues. It spots the moments of tension between the quasi-state muftis and the state practices and laws as well as the moments of normalization of the state policies and the political configuration. Qatar has avoided establishing a full-fledged fatwa institution, instead it created Islamweb to be a soft power tool that serves international and local audience. Although Islamweb is relatively relevant to the Muslim population in Qatar, it is isolated from the public sphere in order not to be given an official religious authority especially in the political sphere. This thesis finds that Islamweb is self-censored, circumcised and silent in relation to the political sphere, highly socially conservative and partially critical to the economic system. Muftis of Islamweb fully load the hopes of change on society and individuals wishing for a revival of the Muslim ummah that is portrayed to be from bottom up and neither the other way around nor both ways simultaneously. Via Islamweb, Qatar has created a unique case of state sponsored fatwa institution which is not misused for political legitimization, but remains politically silent and uncritical while being relevant to the society and enjoys a relative sense of autonomy and independency from the state.

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