Providing Health Care in Armed Conflict Countries: The Case of Yemen

Submitted by lfatajo on Sat, 06/25/2022 - 22:46
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CIS publications
CIS Thesis
Student Name
Ali, Esraa Ali Sayed
Year of Graduation

The general objective of this research is to recognize the impact of the armed conflict in Yemen on the health of the population and to understand what challenges the humanitarian actors and health workers; as providers of health care in these circumstances, face to afford proper health care to the people in Yemen Methodology:This research synthesizes information from literature review and key informant interviews. First, by reviewing the literature on the impact of the conflict on health, and second, conducting interviews, either in person or by phone with respondents who conducted interviews overseas including people in UN agencies with international NGOs and local NGOs and with academic professors who have experience in working with the Yemen crisis.Result:Humanitarian and health actors in Yemen face numerous challenges in providing adequate services to those who need them, especially in the highly affected areas of the country. These challenges can be classified into two categories, first, administrative challenges related to difficulties faced by humanitarian organizations in introducing and delivering health services to the Yemeni Population Second, technical challenges related to health system constrains, this is due to the impact of the conflict on healthConclusion:Since the complex, interlocking layer of conflict is not the only way to address the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, there are certain opportunities that focus on decreasing the effect of the war on the people of Yemen whilst still waiting for a political solution. This research presents some of these opportunities to humanitarian and health actors to improve the provision of health services in YemenKeywords: Yemen, conflict, health care, humanitarian actors.

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