Turkey as an Emerging Player in Humanitarian Diplomacy

Submitted by lfatajo on Sat, 06/25/2022 - 13:26
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CIS publications
CIS Thesis
Student Name
Kilinc, Gulce
Year of Graduation

Wars and conflicts have changed the responses to crises globally. While traditionally, states generally were the only response channels which would use traditional diplomacy to provide humanitarian aid to vulnerable people, in these times non- governmental organization are also involved in humanitarian diplomacy and cooperate with states to provide immediate humanitarian assistance and to contribute to conflict preventions. This thesis aims to research as to how Turkey has developed into a major player in humanitarian diplomacy. Firstly, the background of humanitarian diplomacy and its emergence as a concept will be examined. The definition, scope and background of humanitarian diplomacy will be explored, and a comparison will be made between traditional and humanitarian diplomacy. Also, the ICRC as one of the oldest international organizations engaged in humanitarian diplomacy will be analyzed. Secondly, an analysis will be given on the background of Turkey's humanitarian diplomacy and the institutions which are playing an important role in it. Among other, the relation between Turkey's humanitarian diplomacy and foreign policy will be analyzed in this section. Finally, two case studies will be conducted on how Turkey's humanitarian diplomacy has manifested itself internal and abroad. An analysis will be given on Turkey's humanitarian role in Somalia and the growth of Turkey's policy regarding the Syrian refugee crisis.

CIS Research Foci