The representation of the Qatari nation on television: tradition, modernity and Islam in two local channels

Submitted by lfatajo on Sun, 01/16/2022 - 01:47
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CIS Thesis
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Aldosari, Bothaina
Year of Graduation
CIS Library Call Number
Thesis QFIS CMT 2016/1  

This research examines Qatari national imagination in Qatari local television channels. By 'national imagination' I mean an imagined perception of the Qatari nation in which the social and the political factors are integral. Qatar seems to be in between two television projects. It established Al-Jazeera network to promote Arab nationalism in the Arab world. At home however, Qatar established local channels to present the Qatari nation and to strengthen the Qatari national identity. With the advent of new media, it has become more difficult for a nation state to enforce a single imagination on its people. Qatari local channels are challenging the emergence of new technologies, globalization and multicultural communities by a peculiar national project. Based on assumptions that media is a key tool for creating a national imagination, this research will examine the role of Qatari local channels in presenting Qatari nation. There is a continuous change in the image of Qatari nation in media since the establishment of Qatari local channel in 1970s until now. The image of Qatari nation is continuously produced in Qatari television channels as a part of national building project. It is presented on television as traditional nation, modern nation and Muslim nation. Why this research is important? Qatar is a modern rich oil state with small population. It became very controversial over the last years because of its position in Arab affairs especially in the period of Arab Spring. Qatar is known for its provoking media voice Al-Jazeera Networks, which was established very recently in 1996. Regardless the aims and views of the channels (express mostly Qatar's foreign policy in the region), Al-Jazeera proved from a media perspective at least that there could be in the Middle East a strong, powerful media usage. There were hundreds of written materials about Al-Jazeera networks and Qatar that went viral. Nobody, however, seems to pay attention to the local channels in Qatar, in which now in recent years have enormously changed. What is the purpose of these local channels in Qatar? What makes these channels important to the locals and Qatar as a state? What kind of stories these local channels have that its not Al-Jazeera's role to produce? This research paper aims to contribute in the literature of media, culture and nationalism.