Malek Bennabi and his Exploration of the Holy Qur’an

Submitted by Issaka Razak A… on Sun, 05/02/2021 - 13:53
The role and the centrality of the religious idea in the renaissance of nations and the direction of human history are two factors that inhabited the heart of Malek Bennabi. This is evident in his written and inspired production and practice. This study aims to focus on the ways on how Malek Bennabi called and used the Qur’anic text in his book, The Conditions of the Renaissance, and his other innovations. The reader finds himself in front of a thinker in line with the words of his Lord; thus, when it seems to the reader that he has devoted himself, the author surprises the reader with the abstract idea of the model on which civilizations are based. If the reader returns to that identification, he or she would be awestruck, facing a unique thinker promising to differentiate between the top and the bottom, between “the loud choirs and the call of the prophets.” Indeed, the distinction between legends in the extension of the types of civilizations is a fine line, which had been inspired by Bennabi from the verse “Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.” How did Bennabi understand this verse separated from its Qur’anic context? How did the readers receive it? The study also deals with a range of dhikr verses revealed in Bennabi’s work, which show its interpretations based on them, including its creativity, uniqueness, and sometimes a biased opinion.
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