Analysis of Barriers & Strategies to the Circular Economy: Integrating in Business Framework for a Sustainable Future

Submitted by Zhamal on Mon, 02/22/2021 - 18:04
Circular Economy has gained attention in society and industry in the past years, since the world is faced by the challenge of balancing the economic growth with the use and availability of natural resources. The two unmistakable trends of 8+ billion people by 2025 along with living on higher standards, coupled with robust growth of emerging economies has really taken our planet beyond the carrying capacity.
The paper deals with identification of Analysis of barriers and successful strategies for integrating circular economy and SDGs in the company business strategy. Integration between sustainability and business long-term strategy is needed, which the Circular Economy model offers. Circular Economy is little implemented in practice, and in the present paper, a transition to Circular Economy is identified. The authors also discussed about the key business risk and mega trends that will significantly make Circular economy a driver for sustainable growth.
Barriers are financial, structural, operational, attitudinal and technological. They are also, as analyzed in relation to innovation management, characterized by a need to increase integration between a number of different perspectives and domains in industry. In this paper, different key areas for integration are identified and there is a call on the policy makers to create the right conditions for the Circular Economy.
Doha, Qatar
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CIS Program Old
CIS publications
CIS Thesis
Other Author
Tauseef Zia Siddiqui