Models of Modern Waqf and Endowments

Submitted by Zhamal on Sat, 02/20/2021 - 19:36
Most Arab countries inherited the Ottoman Model of Awqaf which was created in the mid 19th century and recognizes the Hanafi traditional classification of khayri, Dhurri and mixed kinds of Awqaf properties and establishes a strong control of government over the Waqf. These countries slowly replaced that model with a variety of models that range from total direct government control coupled with the elimination of the Dhurri Waqf to a soft semi-independent government authority that tolerates variant degrees of management independence of Awqaf properties. Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and several other countries (Turkey recently joined this model too with regard to Khayri Waqf) have created highly-authoritative but relatively-independent boards to supervise all Awqaf in the countries while a few Arab countries, such as Kuwait, Qatar, Sudan and Morocco introduced quasi-reform that took the shape of Under-the-minister’s-authority body to manage and strongly control the Awqaf properties. The old law of the Republic of Turkey is still the main document that regulated most Dhurri and non-exempt Awqaf properties in Turkey. This paper examines these models of Awqaf, it excludes all mosques and compares some Awqaf models with the models of endowments and Trusts in the Anglo-Saxon tradition especially in areas of governance, control and supervision. The paper will begin with suggesting a more relevant classification of Awqaf properties especially in regards to contemporary nature, objectives and management. I will then examine the pros and cons of the practised organizational and managerial models of Awqaf and identify areas of improvements.
Doha, Qatar
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