5th CEOs & Islamic Finance Leaders Roundtable: Social Financing Models

Submitted by pmoraes on Mon, 12/21/2020 - 19:52

Long and sustained periods of war, conflicts and neglect in several OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) countries have rendered their economies and institutions dysfunctional. As a direct outcome, today OIC countries account for 61.5% of all displaced population in the world with more than 25 million displaced people. Therefore, there is a need for a paradigm shift in assumptions, approaches and narratives when addressing such challenges in OIC member states. Islamic financial industry can play a positive role in the global resilience efforts as one penny in prevention is more worthy than millions of dollars in reaction and recovery at later stages. The 5th CEOs and Islamic Finance Leaders Roundtable event was attended by 40 participants, including academics, bank CEOs and representatives, local and international philanthropic organization CEOs and representatives, Shari’ah scholars, business leaders, policymakers, civil society agents, and HBKU students.

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CIS Minaretein
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