CIS-QFC Global Conference on Awqaf

Submitted by siteadmin on Mon, 03/09/2020 - 09:59

CIS-QFC Global Conference on Awqaf Evolution, Socio-economic Impact, Management Strategies, Legal & Governance Issues, Cash Waqf & Country-wise Case Studies

Awqaf institutions have played a pivotal socio-economic role throughout Islamic history. Under different models, they have strived to serve this very role and promote financial inclusion and social development. However, the critical question on the efficiency of their management system remains insufficiently addressed.

The conference will discuss these issues and analyze Awqaf’s future potential and prospects within the following frameworks: 

  • Awqaf historical and contemporary overview and its socio-economic impacts

  • Awqaf models and its management system performance

  • Awqaf in the blockchain era

  • Country-wise case studies of Awqaf implementation  

End Date
Auditorium, Minaretein (College of Islamic Studies building), Education City
Event Report
Event Poster Image
Organizing Institution
Type of Event
Event Format