Morality and Childhood

Submitted by siteadmin on Mon, 03/09/2020 - 09:37

Educating children to actualize the “good child” model has been considered a moral obligation by various societies and communities throughout history. However, the exact parameters and criteria of this aspired model sometimes vary due to socio-religious and cultural factors. 

Muslim scholars have theorized and written extensively on the “good child” model and in modern era, educating children has become the subject of a distinct multidisciplinary field. Both early and modern writings have addressed key moral questions, e.g., does childhood represent the imperfect edition of adulthood, and thus should moral education focus on reforming and disciplining children? Or, does childhood have its own morality that cannot be equated with adulthood morality? What is the scope of parental authority to impose, enforce or punish children for certain (im)moral actions? What should be done with children and parents when parental authority is instrumentalized to justify mistreatment? 

Such questions will be addressed in this seminar by specialists in various fields including Islamic ethics, medicine, and psychology.

The Speakers: 
Dr. Mamoun Mobayed, 
Consultant Psychiatrist, Director of Treatment and Rehabilitation, Behavioral Healthcare Center.

Dr. Mohammed Ghaly,
Professor of Islam and Biomedical Ethics (CILE), Hamad Bin Khalifa University.

Dr. Nadeem Jilani,
Senior Attending Physician, Sidra Medicine


End Date
Auditorium, Minaretein (College of Islamic Studies building), Education City
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