Conceptions of Islam in Indonesian Public Life: A Study of the Nahdatul Ulama's Journal Tashwirul Afkar (1997-2016)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 08/22/2019 - 16:24
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CIS Program Old
CIS publications
CIS Thesis
Student Name
Wijaya, Vinken Geovannissa
Year of Graduation
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Defining itself as a recorder of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU)'s revival momentum (momentum kebangkitan), the Tashwirul Afkar journal offers insights into the visions and projects of young NU members. The willingness of NU youth to explore new understandings of Islamic teachings and to challenge established Islamic traditions characterizes this revival momentum. Abdurrahman Wahid (known as Gus Dur) was a leading figure behind this revival, inspiring young N members to widen their intellectual horizons and to expand their perspectives on Islam. Understanding that changes were taking place within NU, these young intellectuals decided to start the Tashwirul A/kar journal in 1997.

This work explores debates in Tashwirul Afkar with a focus on three areas: history, intellectualism, and sharia. These three areas have been chosen to show the viewpoints of members of NU regarding the appropriate role of Islam in Indonesian public life. In the chapter on History, this work explores the place of history in the eyes of NU members and will explain the interrelated history of NU and Indonesia during the Indonesian independence period. In the chapter on Intellectualism, this work discusses the intellectual renewal in N and the notion of an Islamic Post-Traditionalism crafted by NU young intellectuals. In the chapter on sharia, this work presents the journal's perspectives on the national debate on the application of Islamic Law. While the journal represents the voices of NU youth, it also provides the viewpoints of NU senior kiai and the member of other Islamic groups. This work thus seeks to enhance our understanding of the diverse voices and aspirations of Nahdlatul Ulama in contemporary Indonesia.
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