Khan, Naseeruddin

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 03/25/2019 - 10:42

General Manager, Al-Tawfeek, Dallah Albaraka Group; Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Naseeruddin Khan is General Manager of Specialized Funds and Public Relations at Al-Tawfeek Co. for Investment Funds Ltd. (Al-Tawfeek). Al-Tawfeek is one of the major subsidiaries within the Financial Services Sector of Dallah Albaraka Group of Saudi Arabia and has successfully developed and marketed Islamic investment funds in various asset classes. Mr. Khan’s experience spans more than 38 years in various management positions internationally, including more than 15 years in senior management in Islamic financial institutions. Prior to joining Al-Tawfeek in 1993, he was Credit Controller at the Islamic Investment Co. of the Gulf, Bahrain, a subsidiary of Dar Al-Maal Al-Islami Group, for eight years. Khan has an MBA and is a Certified Management Accountant in Canada. He has presented papers on Islamic finance in global conferences.

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