(Research Fellow, Durham University, Durham, United Kingdom) Ercument Aksak is a Teaching Fellow and visiting Research Fellow in Finance and Economics, with special reference to corporate finance, risk management, and Islamic economics and finance, at Durham University. After several years of work experience in an international financial consultancy firm and with the Turkish government, he has returned to academia and pursued his PhD studies. During his PhD studies, he was also involved in numerous projects in international financial firms in London. Following the completion of his PhD, he continued his research and held several academic positions at Durham University. He teaches at masters and doctoral programs on various aspects of corporate finance, banking and finance, finance theory, research methods, statistics and econometrics, Islamic finance and economics, and political economy. His current research interests are macroeconomics and financial decisions, corporate governance, risk management, financial economics, Islamic finance and economics, and political economy of finance. His studies have been presented in numerous international conferences. Ercument is a member of American Finance Association, European Corporate Governance Institute, European Finance Association and Royal Economic Society.
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