Bhambra, Hari

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 03/25/2019 - 10:42

Senior Partner, Praesidium LL, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Hari is the senior partner of Praesidium LLP, a compliance and client advisory practice that was established in the DIFC in 2007. Hari has an impressive career in financial services. She has been part of the development and drafting teams of both the FSA in London and the DFSA in the DIFC. Hari’s commercial experience began with Goldman Sachs International, London. She is also the architect of the DIFC’s Shari‘a System of Regulation. Hari was also the architect of the First Mutual Recognition Model for the cross border flows of shari‘a compliant capital market products across two Islamic jurisdictions. She is also one of the specialist advisers for the U.S. FSVC on Islamic finance and has assisted Islamic secular markets in their policy development of Islamic finance. Hari has authored numerous articles on Islamic finance and has contributed to many books and journals on the subject. She is also the author of the DIFC Islamic Finance Guide and is a member of the DIFC’s Islamic Finance Advisory Council. Hari is also an accredited training provider for the London-based Securities and Investment Institute and delivers the IFQ syllabus across the GCC. Hari is a postgraduate in law.

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