Jopart, Xavier

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 03/25/2019 - 10:42

Engagement Manager, McKinsey & Company; Dubai, United Arab Emirates Xavier Jopart is an Engagement Manager in McKinsey’s Dubai office. He joined McKinsey in 1998 and transferred to the Dubai office in 2001. Jopart has served clients in various sectors but has mainly focused his work on financial services, especially Islamic banking. Jopart was the main contributor to McKinsey’s “World Islamic Banking Competitiveness Report” presented at the World Islamic Banking Conference in Bahrain in December 2005. He is also one of the main contributors to a knowledge effort initiated by McKinsey on the development of capital markets in Emerging Economies. Jopart holds a Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium.

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