El-Gamal, Mahmoud A.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 03/25/2019 - 10:42

(Baker Institute Rice Faculty Scholar and Chair in Islamic Economics, Finance and Management, Rice University, Houston, Texas) Mahmoud A. El-Gamal, Ph.D., is a professor in the Department of Economics at Rice University, where he also holds the endowed Chair in Islamic Economics, Finance and Management. He is also a Rice scholar at the Baker Institute at Rice University. Before joining Rice in 1998, he was an associate professor of economics at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He has also worked as an assistant professor at the University of Rochester and the California Institute of Technology; as an economist at the Middle East department of the International Monetary Fund (1995-1996); and as the first scholar-in-residence on Islamic finance at the U.S. Department of Treasury (2004). El-Gamal has published extensively on finance, econometrics, decision science, economics of the Middle East and Islamic transactions law. His recent books include “Islamic Finance: Law, Economics and Practice” (Cambridge University Press, 2006) and “Oil, Dollars, Debt and Crises: The Global Curse of Black Gold” with Amy Myers Jaffe (Cambridge University Press, 2010).

الجمال، محمود
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El-Gamal, Mahmoud A.
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