
The Unique Necklace - العقد الفريد

Submitted by siteadmin on Wed, 03/10/2021 - 20:37

“Al-‘Iqd al-Farid” (“The Unique Necklace”) is one of the classics of Arabic literature. Compiled in several volumes by an Andalusian scholar and poet named Ibn ‘Abd Rabbih (246-328 A.H. / 860-940 C.E.), it remains a mine of information about various elements of Arab culture and letters during the four centuries before his death. Essentially it is a book of adab, a term understood in modern times to specifically mean literature but in earlier times its meaning included all that a well-informed person had to know in order to pass in society as a cultured and refined individual.

Three Treatises on the Ijaz of the Quran - ثلاث رسائل في إعجاز القرآن

Submitted by siteadmin on Wed, 03/10/2021 - 20:22

Three Treatises on the I’jAz of the Qur’An contains three important Arabic treatises from the fourth and fifth centuries of Islamic history, published here in English translation for the first time. They deal with the Islamic concept of I’jaz, that is, the inimitability of the Qur’An because of its sublime style and divine content. While analyzing I’jaz, they also partake in the development of the science of rhetoric in Arabic and the evolution Arabic literary criticism.

The Perfect Guide to the Sciences of the Quran - الإتقان في علوم القرآن

Submitted by siteadmin on Wed, 03/10/2021 - 20:18

Al-Itqan is the most important work of al-Suyuti in the field of Qur’anic Sciences. The work found its way to many circles both near and far in the Islamic world. It was first published in the years 1271, 1278, 1279, 1306, 1317 and 1318 AH, in two volumes, but the translation presented here is of a publication of four volumes published in 1387 AH (1967 AD). The translation at hand is of the first volume. Al-Itqan is perhaps the most outstanding work of its kind in the field of Qur’anic Sciences.

The Book of Misers - البخلاء

Submitted by siteadmin on Wed, 03/10/2021 - 20:13

One of the greatest exponents of Arabic prose of all time, Al-Jahiz is also know for his scholarship, the breadth of his interests, and his ability to express his ideas and arguments with vigour and humour. The Book of Misers is his comical masterpiece, and one of the earliest works of fiction from the Islamic world. Generosity is regarded by Arab society as one of the principle virtues, and this satire on miserliness has a clear social purpose.

Financial Inclusion and Poverty Alleviation: Perspectives from Islamic Institutions and Instruments

Submitted by siteadmin on Tue, 03/09/2021 - 12:21

This book explores the relationships between financial inclusion, poverty and inclusive development from Islamic perspectives. Financial inclusion has become an important global agenda and priority for policymakers and regulators in many

Migration and Islamic Ethics: Issues of Residence, Naturalization and Citizenship

Submitted by siteadmin on Thu, 03/04/2021 - 15:30

Migration and Islamic Ethics, Issues of Residence, Naturalization and Citizenship addresses how Islamic ethical and legal traditions can contribute to current global debates on migration and displacement; how Islamic ethics of muʾakha, ḍiyāfa, ijāra, amān, jiwār, sutra, kafāla, among others, may provide common ethical grounds for a new paradigm of social and political virtues applicable to all humanity, not only Muslims.

Transformation of Qatar Development Bank from Conventional Model to Islamic Banking System - A Case Study

Submitted by siteadmin on Tue, 03/02/2021 - 17:55

In February 2011, Qatar Central Bank (QCB) issued a directive ordering conventional banks to wind up their Shariah-compliant banking branches, which took the banking industry in Qatar by storm. At the time, the Shariah-compliant asset allocation of conventional banks averaged about 10% of their total assets, while full-fledged Shariah-compliant banks in Qatar had assets of nearly one-fifth of the total banking assets in the country.