
Can GCC States Achieve Sustainable Economic Diversification and Development by Driving Entrepreneurship Efforts?

Submitted by Munir on Mon, 08/29/2022 - 07:50

This study provides a comparative analysis of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states that are limited by the finite supply of hydrocarbons but are working to find sustainable growth solutions by migrating to more vibrant entrepreneurship ecosystems. Gulf states expect that by promoting entrepreneurship and encouraging homegrown entrepreneurs, sustainable growth will have an ongoing positive impact on human development, prosperity, and development of the public and private sectors.

States, markets, and communities: Rethinking sustainability and cities

Submitted by Munir on Mon, 08/29/2022 - 07:45

This study presents the centrality of the issues pertaining to sustainability at the urban level. It suggests that in contrast to market-based understandings and representations of sustainability have significant connections to social and cultural forces. By focusing on three case studies, the study showcases how sustainability needs to be understood in terms of the way market-based economic actions and institutional initiatives embed market-based initiatives and forces.

Evaluating Cross-Country Policy Learning in Public Administration: The Case of Qatar-Singapore Partnership in Regional Training Centre for Public Administration (RTCPA)

Submitted by Munir on Sun, 08/28/2022 - 14:51

This article examines the interaction between Singapore and Qatar as an instance of policy transfer between a successful case of development and an ambitious case in transition through an exclusive focus on human capital development in public policy making and public administration. As Qatar’s modernization continues in pace and intensity, increasing exposure to the forces of globalization induces major changes in Qatar’s nation- and state-building processes.

Agenda-setting, progress and challenges for environmental policy transfer in the Gulf Cooperation Council

Submitted by Munir on Sun, 08/28/2022 - 14:44

This study analyzes policy convergence and coordination in policymaking for sustainability, taking place in the context of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). It explores the policy choices of GCC countries in relation to agenda-setting, policy learning, policy convergence and coordination as a case of South-South transfer in the Middle East region, which is a relatively understudied aspect of the intensive diversification efforts of Gulf States.

A Levelized Cost Analysis for Solar-Energy-Powered Sea Water Desalination in The Emirate of Abu Dhabi

Submitted by Munir on Sun, 08/28/2022 - 12:31

The Emirate of Abu Dhabi heavily relies on seawater desalination for its freshwater needs due to limited available resources. This trend is expected to increase further because of the growing population and economic activity, the rapid decline in limited freshwater reserves, and the aggravating effects of climate change.

علماء الشريعة ومنجزات الطب الحديث: التحديات الأخلاقية في عصر الجينوم نموذجًا

Submitted by Munir on Sun, 08/28/2022 - 09:14

نسعى في هذه الدراسة التحليلية لتتبع الأفكار التي حاولت أن تعالج سؤال دور الشريعة ودراستها في ظلّ منجزات العلوم الطبية والحيوية الحديثة، خاصة في عصر الجينوم. ليس الهدف من الدراسة إصدار أحكام فقهية تتعلق بقضايا معينة، وإنما بالأساس استجلاء تصورات الفقهاء المعاصرين ومواقفهم حول أسئلة تتعلّق بدور الشريعة في زمن الحداثة ممثلًا بمنجزات الطب الحديث التي حوّلت كثيرًا من "المستحيلات" القديمة إلى "عاديات" في حياة البشر اليوم. فكيف حاول الفقهاء المعاصرون المحافظة على دور للشريعة الإسلامية في هذا المجال الجديد؟