
The importance of micro financing to the microenterprises development in malaysia's experience

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 08/22/2019 - 16:08

This paper aims to explore the importance of micro financing to the development of micro-enterprises (MEs) in Malaysia. MEs play a vital role in developing Malaysian economy. MEs accounted about 80% of the total Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and 78.7% of business establishments in Malaysia. However, MEs face numerous problems such as lack of marketing, technology and credit facility. Therefore, micro financing is a choice to the MEs because it provides an easy, faster and convenient financing facility. The paper examines the microfinance programs offer to the MEs in Malaysia.

Using thematic analysis in psychology

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 08/22/2019 - 16:08

Thematic analysis is a poorly demarcated, rarely acknowledged, yet widely used qualitative analytic method within psychology. In this paper, we argue that it offers an accessible and theoretically flexible approach to analysing qualitative data. We outline what thematic analysis is, locating it in relation to other qualitative analytic methods that search for themes or patterns, and in relation to different epistemological and ontological positions.