
Bank Lending Channel in a Dual Banking System: Why Are Islamic Banks So Responsive?

Submitted by siteadmin on Thu, 10/03/2019 - 09:40

We examine the interest rate sensitivity of both deposits and credits at Islamic and conventional banks in Turkey. We find that the bank lending channel is especially operative for Islamic banks. Impulse responses for conventional and Islamic banks reveal that Islamic bank depositors’ sensitivity to policy rate changes are substantially larger than that of conventional bank depositors.

Religiosity versus rationality: Depositor behavior in Islamic and conventional banks

Submitted by siteadmin on Thu, 10/03/2019 - 09:34

This study investigates the behavioral aspects of Islamic bank depositors in a dual banking system. By categorizing depositors into groups based on the amount of their deposited funds, we estimate the responses of these groups to interest rate changes. We take the findings of conventional banks as a comparative baseline and investigate the extent to which the changes in different Islamic depositor groups differ from conventional depositor groups. The findings show that depositors in both Islamic and conventional banks respond to interest rate changes.